CAT Statement on Special Housing Session

We continue to demand sweeping Tenant Protections as evictions continue to spike

While we are pleased to see the Governor’s office call a special housing session on the eve of the state’s rent assistance program sunsetting, we remain steadfast in the demand for legislative action on 8 critical protections for Tenant Protections

Tomorrow, December 1 at 11:59pm is the deadline to sign up for Oregon Emergency Rental Assistance Program (OERAP).  Evictions are spiking across the state, and without sweeping housing protection policies enacted that protect both those who have signed up for OERAP, and those who haven’t, we will continue to see the flood of people without homes continue to pool. 

We urge tenants to sign up for rent relief now.

We know applications have not been getting out the door fast enough, but everybody who qualifies will get some assistance. Furthermore, just signing up for OERAP protects you from eviction for non-payment for 60 days (90 if you live in Multnomah County), for non-payment of rent once you provide proof you’ve applied to your landlord.

Tenants should sign up now at:

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